Fun In New England - Maine

Pemaquid Point Light

3115 Bristol Road
Pemaquid, Bristol, ME  04558

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Dates: Memorial Day through Columbus Day
Days & Hours: Daily 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Parking: Public lot
Admission Fee: Yes (always)
GPS Coordinates: 43.83695, -69.50605

A popular stone lighthouse built in 1857. The property and outbuildings are part of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse Park and are owned by the town of Bristol. The tower itself is owned by the US Coast Guard and leased to the American Lighthouse Foundation. It is open to the public. The keeper's house is now the Fisherman's Museum. The lighthouse was featured on the 2003 Maine state quarter. The park entrance fee is $2 per person (as of 2015); Entrance to the tower is included in this fee.

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Bristol Pemaquid Point Light

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