Fun In New England - Massachusetts

Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge

Dike Road
Chappaquiddick Island, Edgartown, MA  02539
508-627-3599, 508-627-8390

FunInNewEngland Rating: (0 votes)
Type: Wildlife Preserve, Island
Parking: Public lot (Free)
Admission Fee: Yes (May 30 to Oct. 15)
GPS Coordinates: 41.37360, -70.45400

Cape Pogue is a barrier beach on the eastern and northern edges of Chappaquiddick Island; The island is only accessible by boat or ferry; Features include Cape Poge Lighthouse, 14 miles of oversand vehicle and walking trails, a sandy shoreline, a salt marsh, a salt pond, and a grove of red cedars; Adjacent land includes the Mytoi and Wasque preserves; Open year-round; Permit required for oversand vehicles

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